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World War I page 6

ww1_poster_red_cross-1hqlgAmerican Red Cross WW I



American nurses in gas masks at a WWI Front line U.S. Army hospital in France.


_71805708_resized_154448901_getty_ambulanceMairi Chisholm and the Baroness de T’Serclaes driving their motor ambulance through the ruins of Pervyse.


02aa6e014c776bb36cd1669014d2af92World War One Nurse with Rescue Dog

The dog was trained to locate wounded on the battlefield and bark to call attention to the person in trouble.  Does anyone know who this woman is?


ww-i-australian-nurseWW I Australian nurses arrive at Cairo railway station to begin their war service.


first-world-war-hospitalA US Army nurse assists with treatment of a patient.


Directional sound finders used to detect incoming enemy planes.  1917


July 31, 1917:  The Battle of Passchendael ( also known as the Third Battle of Ypres) begins.

November 7, 1917:  The Bolsheviks successfully overthrow the Russian government during the 1917 Russion Revolution.

December 17, 1917:  The armistice agreed upon between the new Russian government and The Central Powers goes into effect.

January 8, 1918:  U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace.   It was a statement of principles for world peach that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I.



March 3, 1918:  Russia signs the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, which is a peace treaty between Russia and the Central Powers.

March 21, 1918:  Germany launches the Spring Offensive.













  • 9mm ammo at Lucky Gunner